We invite you to our seminar series "Essentials of research management - RESPONSE edition". In five seminars, we will present the fundamentals of effective research management. Eventually, we are especially excited to give you the opportunity to test your new skills and knowledge in a customized leadership simulation game.

Five research management areas

In this series we focus on providing valuable, on-the-ground, and applicable knowledge in five research management areas.

The architecture of all our lessons aims to provide content that you can use immediately after the event. As scientists we know exactly that you need to spend your time wisely. Education is meant to have a significant and measurable impact.

Don`t worry: neither will we use complicated economic language nor will we challenge you with abstract busines theories. In fact, we will break down all business principles and terminology to make you feel very comfortable with using your new skills in your daily work.


Strategy development and execution

Tools for strategy development and execution. 

Online seminar


Leadership in science

Development of an effective leadership style that fits your character.

Online seminar


Negotiation techniques in science

Impact of succesful negotiations on your professional and private life.

Online seminar


Personal branding for researchers

Tools for strategy development and execution. 

Live seminar, Rostock


Efficient project management

Development of an effective leadership style that fits your character.

Live seminar, Rostock


Customized simulation game

Impact of succesful negotiations on your professional and private life.

Live seminar, Rostock

Download the full curriculum of the series here (PDF, 2.4 MB)

Faculty of the seminar series

Prof. Steffen Fleßa

Dr. Claudia Hübner

Dr.-Ing. Sara Knigge

Christina Müschen, M.P.S.

Dr. med. Tobias Schilling, MBA

Sudhakar Jayaram, B.E., MBA

Our guarantees

Substantial Content

The series comprises 6 (online) seminars on research management.

Even if you have never taken any management education before, you will be able to follow and implement our content because we break down business tools for easy use by scientists.

Scientifically approved

In all seminars, we exclusively offer tools and methods that we applied in our own scientific work.

We got our things going by using the principles and tools from the lessons and you will accomplish this, too.

No subscription

The seminar series “essentials of research management – RESPONSE edition” comes totally free of charge for employees of all RESPONSE partner universities, instituts, and companies.

There are no hidden fees and no further obligations.

Technical Specs

All you need is a device with an internet browser and a stable internet connection.

No plugins, no extra software will be required.