Wir sind überzeugt, dass jede Fortbildung zu nachhaltigem Erfolg führen sollte. Online-Kurse oder Webinare sollten nicht einfach nur angesehen werden, sondern konkrete, messbare Resultate im privaten oder beruflichen Kontext liefern. Um die praktische Umsetzbarkeit unserer Ìnhalte zu erleichtern, haben wir das Hannover-Medical.Management Manual entwickelt. Dieses Manual ist eine Sammlung von über 100 Checklisten, Arbeitsvorlagen, Projektplänen und Werkzeugen, mit denen nahezu alle Führungs- und Managementprinzipien aus den Kursen nach einer logischen Systematik im klinischen Alltag umgesetzt werden können. Mit diesem Leitfaden steht Ihnen ein Arsenal zur Verfügung, dass es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre Management- und Führungsaktivitäten auf einem maximal professionellen Niveau auszuüben, ohne sich um deren Planung und Ausführung Gedanken machen zu müssen. Sie konfigurieren sich also einen persönlichen 360-Tage-Leitfaden, dem Sie anschließend nur zu folgen brauchen.
Wir sind uns der zeitlichen Zwänge von Ärzten, Krankenschwestern und Krankenhausmanagern voll bewusst. Daher haben wir ein einfach anzuwendendes Toolset geschaffen, das kein Studium der Betriebs- oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften erfordert, da wir die zugrunde liegenden Geschäftsprinzipien und Theorien für medizinisches Fachpersonal übersetzt haben.
Das Hannover-Medical.Management Handbuch bietet eine individualisierte, unterstützende Leitlinie, die Ihnen Ihre spezifischen Führungs- und Managementaufgaben im arbeitsdichten klinischen Alltag des Krankenhauses erleichtert.
Develop your individual 360-days-management manual with our help
Professional management with a little help
We guide you through the development of your 360-days-management-manual with step-by-step instructions for each module. For this purpose, we created on-site and online courses that, first, illustrate the rationale and impact of four healthcare-relevant management areas.
Second, we will discuss your specific most-pressing issues in the respective management area, which reveals your particular goals and roadmap.
Third, we provide some science- and textbook-based background knowledge about the relevant business principles in the field. In deference to the practical relevance and applicability of every tool, we not only use a comprehensible language that does not require you to use an economic dictionary but keep the theoretical chapters as short as possible.
Fourth, we showcase successful examples of economic tools, business principles, and leadership styles. As a result, the chapters discussion, knowledge, and showcase sum up to applicable lessons in management and leadership that have proven to make a difference in hospitals.
Fifth, after these chapters, you are equipped to create your individual 360-days-management manual that is immediately applicable to your (hospital-)situation.
Finally, we support you in defining suitable milestones, evaluation criteria, and measures, as well as a communication strategy that will present your leadership and management activities in the proper light.
Self-paced modular development
The modular and chapter-based approach of the management manual allows for self-paced progressing and considers the extraordinary time constraints of healthcare professionals.
In total, the Hannover-Medical.Management manual is a unique concept that combines a healthcare-relevant management and leadership guideline with a strictly practice-oriented curriculum.
4 healthcare-relevant management areas

Strategy & Enterprise governance
- What is strategy?
- How to develop a strategy that matters in your hospital?
- Tools for strategy development and execution
- Using business intelligence in hospitals
- Develop a leadership style that fits your character
Performance improvement program
- Lean management, and safety in hospitals
- Focus on improvements that add competitive advantage
- Systemize each process
- Interprofessional team integration
- People empowerment
- Successful change management
Understanding hospital economics
- Accounting and balancing in hospitals.
- Business terms translated for healthcare professionals
- Improving profitability
- Mitigating business and financial risks
Personal & professional development
- Systemized self-positioning
- Reputation management
- Self-management
- Convincing rethorics and presentation techniques that work in healthcare
- Negotiation principles for success in hospitals and beyond
how to create your personal management manual

Step 1: Get the Hannover-Medical.Management manual
The management manual contains some background information on the management areas, the rationales of applying business principles in healthcare, and tons of blanco templates and tools for leadership and management.
You can order a printed version of the management manual or download your copy free of charge here.
Step 2: Acquire the basic knowledge
In order to fully understand the use of the management manual and to capitalize maximal on the inherent business tools in the healthcare environment, we recommend either a thorough reading of the respective management literature or the participation at our focused on-site or online courses.
The modular structure allows for selective working with the manual. Start with the most pressing topics.
Step 3: Create your personal 360-days-management-manual
You just learned the background and have seen some examples of the application of the management and leadership tools in healthcare.
Now you are capable to use your new knowledge to create an individual management manual. You set your goals, select appropriate measures, define evaluation criteria and milestones, and plan a compelling communication concept. You will find detailed instructions in our courses.
Optional: Request some coaching to adjust your mission
Some of the courses include a follow-up with Hannover-Medical.Management faculty after class.
In the additional coachings, we assess together whether your roadmap still is feasible, conditions have changed, the evaluation results are acceptable, or – if not – how to further improve your management and leadership performance.
We are looking forward to discussing our joint options.

Systematic follow-up

How often do you experience projects that start very enthusiastically and then somehow do not come to an end or show poor results? How many people do you know who intend to change and to improve some skills? They buy the most promising books in the field, watch webinars, book online-courses, but fail to achieve satisfying results. The daily tasks and responsibilities are too often too urgent and old habits are too tempting.
Against this background, we did not want to create yet another time-trap, issue a management toolbox with corresponding courses, and then leave you to yourself
Instead, we seamlessly integrated the often neglected but essential aspects like project management, evaluation, and communication into our management manual. Therewith, you will not only receive a toolkit that recommends what to do but also how to sustainably implement the lessons learned in your everyday life down-to-earth.
Project management “light”
For this reason, project management “light” is the most efficient way to organize and plan your measures in most cases. We do not want to be misunderstood: We are a big fan of professional project management tools and software. Big projects benefit from high-end project management.
However, experience has shown that using sophisticated software requires a decent amount of time to administer the project plan. Keeping the plan up-to-date, adjusting tasks, milestones, and resources in the often complex project structure are sometimes as time-consuming as executing the tasks. Thus, many project managers spend time to create project plans at the beginning of a project but soon ignore the charts in favor of the pressing concerns in the field. The Hannover-Medical.Management manual offers a simple way to structure your management and leadership measures without getting lost in extensive project plans.
Finally, the impact of communication measures is often underestimated. Change and improvement almost always require substantial personal effort, financial resources, time, and stressing personal relationships with colleagues, family, friends, and other stakeholders.
Having said this, it remains unclear why most people waste a big opportunity for capitalizing on their success by not spreading the word properly. We, therefore, integrated easy-to-execute communication plans in the Hannover-Medical.Mangement manual to prevent you from this mistake.
All in all, the Hannover-Medical.Management manual provides a holistic framework to achieve better management and leadership in healthcare realistically.

Project and time management
The Hannover-Medical.Management manual suggests a simple, light-weight project management approach.
On the one hand, a feasible (time-)plan offers a binding structure that ascertains the measure`s or project`s progress. And on the other hand, a simplified project management system does not devour too much time, which is very limited, especially in healthcare.

The perceived success of any change project is dependent on the expectation-experience-ratio. So, first we support you in setting adequate expectations in terms of achievable goals and, second, we suggest assessment processes to monitor your progress.

Simple, but systematic communication measures can contribute to both a professional and successful reputation and an increased likelihood of getting more out of the efforts by engaging the stakeholders.