Home » Leadership principles that work in healthcare

Balancing Economics and Medicine for improved outcomes

Economic pressure often is regarded as detrimental to health care quality because the care providers may, in one way or the other, be influenced by the financials. Inappropriate indications, too early or too many procedures, as well as too early discharge from hospitals, could lead to fatal consequences for the patients.

On the other hand, there is evidence that lean management and straightforward process optimization result in better medical results and subsequently improved economic outcomes.


Unlike many other industries, in healthcare, the clinical outcomes are determined at “bed-side” or what we call “last-mile” with sometimes extreme consequences. Many of the metrics that affect hospital performance like re-admissions, errors, etc. happen at the level where doctors and nurses interact with patients. Moreover, unlike other industrial settings, performance improvements arise from professional engagement and not necessarily from organizational measures. Hence a senior manager in the hospital`s administrative block cannot direct a doctor or the nurses like employees in a bank or other industrial settings. On the contrary, one of the primary tasks of a leader is to provide direction and this is especially true in hospitals.

The direction given by the leader has a lasting impact on all stakeholders in the healthcare environment and, thus, should be right and beneficial to all stakeholders like patients, relatives, healthcare professionals, cooperation partners, government, investors, and benefactors. But, hospitals are complex systems in which the various stakeholders might have conflicting agendas or objectives. Hence, providing direction and accordingly moving the hospital and its employees can not only be a difficult task but may sometimes provoke significant opposition. Leadership in such scenarios requires skills, knowledge about leadership frameworks, and robust easy-to-apply tools. Those cornerstones will serve as a solid foundation even for leaders in healthcare who never before were systematically educated in leadership or (erroneously) feel that mainly qualities of charisma and extrovertedness would qualify for being a good leader.

This module is not about creating a generic strategic direction with the participants that they can take as a blueprint for their specific leadership tasks. It is not about “where-to-lead-my-hospital”. Instead, this module provides knowledge about different leadership styles, principles, and tools that can be customized to fit each participant’s individual situation.

The module is about “how-to-lead-my-hospital.” Therefore, we encourage the participants to capitalize on their individual character and temperament to develop their unique leadership style. One is capable of providing direction only when one can direct attention. The ability to pay attention to ourselves and examine our nature intrinsically will help us to create a style of leadership that is very personal and also genuinely authentic.

Eventually, the participants will appreciate different styles of leadership and compile an individual leadership toolbox to address the myriad of variables that affect their role as leaders in hospitals.


The module starts with identifying the most pressing issues in leadership of the participants and the subsequent deduction of personal goals.
What aspects of their leadership skills do the participants want to improve within a given period? Examples and characteristics of good and bad leadership will be discussed.


Clinical processes depend on transactions, levels of standardization, iteration, availability of protocols etc. The module introduces the participants to the idea of the process spectrum in healthcare. Based on these inherently different processes, the HMM faculty will identify different types of leadership styles that are most relevant in each situation.

The participants are invited to a journey starting in the early days of modern leadership models by Max Weber to recent theories from renowned personalities like Peter Drucker, John Maxwell et al. Pros and cons of each model with regard to its applicability in the healthcare sector will be discussed.

The participants will know

1. different styles of leadership,
2. levels of leadership,
3. key principles of leadership, and
4. how these attributes translate into better outcomes in hospitals

after this chapter.


We have distilled ten key leadership principles out of time-tested leadership frameworks developed for business firms or team sports, which have proven to work well in healthcare and hospitals. Autonomy and empowerment examples from Hannover Medical School and other multi-national device companies are presented.

For instance, we stress the need for a culture where errors are embraced and a positive error culture is developed to make the hospital`s ecosystem safer. Leaders in hospitals should allow natural team formation and foster communication models that create a positive enterprise culture. Leaders in healthcare should ensure that jousting and politics of undermining are eliminated by a genuine culture that balances “personal care” and “direct challenge.”

We showcase the need for hospital leaders to develop the awareness triad for a holistic approach and overall performance.


The participants` most pressing issues of leadership were identified in this module`s chapter “discussion.” Now it is time for the participants to set their personal goals in leadership and to combine the introduced styles, principles, and tools to their own leadership toolbox.

Also, an important component of this toolbox is the definition of evaluation criteria and milestones to continuously monitor their improvements and results. In closing, the workshop aims for a 360-day-hospital-leadership manual.

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Live online lecturesLive online coursesExecutive coursesOnline coursesOn-site courses
Duration 2 hoursHospital management square grey 12
Duration 4 hoursHospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12
Duration 8 hours
Max. number of participants24012012unlimited24
Development of 360-days-handbookHospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12
1 month digital communication follow-upHospital management square grey 12
Executive coachingHospital management square grey 12
ChecklistsHospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12
CertificateHospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12Hospital management square grey 12