Enhancing process performance in
theday-to-day clinical routine
Each process in a hospital has to follow the strategic priorities. Therefore, process improvement is of major relevance to successfully execute the hospital`s or departments` (changing) strategy. It should be each improvement`s focus to achieve some kind of competitive or measurable advantage.
Continuous process modifications everywhere in the hospital bears the risk of losing focus and wasting energy for the wrong activities.
Hence, the identification of processes that require improvement AND matter for the hospital`s strategy is the most important step for each strategic change program.
Content and goal of the Course
In this course, we offer a set of processes that have proven to have noticeable impact on the hospital`s overall performance. We identified measurements that are most likely applicable to every hospital worldwide and may form a comprehensible starting point for your future strategic improvement campaigns.

Performance analysis: Understanding important quality dimensions in a hospital. What does really matter? Do all your routines and procedures align?

- Is your workflow supporting your goals?
- Do you excel in processes, infrastructure, personnel development, and cooperation with your partners?
- Benchmarking medical and economic outcomes. Where do you stand today?
- Taking surveys: What do physicians, nurses, patients, and partners think about your performance?
- Detecting weak points.
Your way to peak performance:
Transfer process improvement principles from industry to healthcare.

- Fine-tuning key performance indicators and operating criteria
- The big challenge: Change management in hospitals
- Balancing between individualized patient care, personalized medicine, and standard operating procedures.
- The clockwork-like intertwining of different professions in a hospital
- Principles of hospital safety management. Measurements to encounter risks before they manifest.
How do successful organizations reach and sustain excellent performance? Examples from indudstry firms and hospitals worldwide.

- Examples for professional change management. How to change sub-optimal routines or behaviors?
- Impact of transparent process organization on the hospital`s culture.
- Pitfalls in changing processes in a clinic.
- Case studies on successful risk prevention
- Creative patient engagement initiatives contribute to better medical and economic outcomes.
Develop your personal 360-day- performance-improvement-progam.

- Setting key performance parameters
- Selection of suitable tools that adress your specific challenges
- Configuring the time frame for your performance improvement program in detail
- Developing evaluation criteria and milestones
- Defining communication measurements to capitalize on your initiative significantly
The modules of the course
02a - Process improvement
This module will offer the participants a systematic approach to initiate and set up an efficient and long-term performance improvement programme.
Eventually, business principles are usable for healthcare professionals without any precedent business education.
Moreover, we suggest improvement categories that bear the highest potential for significant positive impact on the hospital`s economic and medical outcome.
02b - Hospital safety
The performance in healthcare significantly relies on human interactions and communication, which makes creating a safe hospital a prerequisite for excellent medical and economic outcomes.
In this module, we propose measures to create a maximum degree of safety not only for the sake of the patients but for the personnel, too.